Friday 27 September 2013

Marketing PR questions

What is marketing?

Marketing is a method that companies use to promote their business in order to get sales. The 4 P's of marketing are pricing, (knowing the right price to sell the product), placing, (knowing where to sell your product), promotion, (knowing how to promote the product to your audience), and product, (knowing what your target audience want). There are many different roles in marketing. There is budgeting, advertising, promoting, researching, selling, networking, liaise, communications, stock control and PR (public relations).

What is involved in a marketing campaign?

Communications and research are the two main tools and techniques to market a business. To communicate with the audience there are many different advertising techniques. They are, print advertising, social media, online, technology, business to business, door to door, marketing events, sponsorship, competition, street marketing, direct marketing and emailing. Any of these techniques are guaranteed to gain interest from audiences. The other tool is researching. To become successful in your sector, you need to know the 4 p's. So research other company prices, research the best place to place and build your business around, you need to research how other successful companies have promoted their business, and research what is good about their product.

 What is PR?

PR means Public relations,  is about managing the message, which means in order to succeed the business need to gain a good reputation with the audience. It needs to gain publicity, and there are some clever ways of succeeding in it and get lots of people talking about it. Such as when Jim Carry declined to promote the post Kick-ass 2 because of the violence and because of the Sandy Hook investigation, so there was no red carpet or any other promotion. We also have a careful relationship with the media which we use to our advantage.

How has marketing strategy/technique evolved over the past 10 years?

There are many things that have changed over the years. Such as social media, there is 2 way conversations now and it is easier to get hold of people. There is more and more technology, and its global now. Marketing now speaks to individuals instead of in groups. Marketing is now easier and cheaper to generate and there is less boundaries in advertising which makes it less ethical.

How has our understanding of marketing audiences changed in the 21st century?

The audiences expectations are much higher because we expect more from businesses and we need more. But now we are much more aware of how businesses market there products so that could reduce sales. We are also syndical and much more powerful. We are less brand loyal now compared o just wanting branded clothes. Because prices are getting higher and we cant afford them. We also want more ethical products, such as organic and free range products.

What is more important, the product or the marketing. 

Im my opinion the product is more important, because without the product there will be no marketing. And even if you are selling your product in a shop without promotion, people will still see it and then buy it. And then other people will see it and then it will get well known, so it is kind of impossible to not market a product.