Thursday 24 April 2014

Primark Magazine Advert

Primark New Website

Since I've decided to make Primark into an online retailer, i have decided to create a new webpage layout on PhotoShop. I wanted the new layout to look fresh and de-cluttered, so it makes web browsing that much easier. I got information and inspiration from arch rival retailers such as H&M to make the webpage look like a professional webpage.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Primark Loyalty Card

This is my second Print Marketing piece. I have gone on the lines of Tesco ClubCard and Nectar, to make my own loyalty card for Primark called PrimeCard. PrimeCard is an easy way to collect points for every pound you spend. When you purchase in store you get 1p for every £1 you spend. But since Primark has introduced a new online shop, we are doing double points when spending online, to introduce more people to purchase online. You can have unlimited amount of points on the PrimeCard. When you feel you want to buy something, you can change those points into vouchers to spend in store or online.

Monday 7 April 2014

Marketing Plan

Primark has been a big and very successful clothing retailer since they started in 1969 in Dublin. Since then, they now have opened 268 stores worldwide, earning over 4 million pounds a year. However since the World Wide Web (WWW) started in 1991, Primark are still yet to introduce an online shopping experience for customers to buy their garments.

My business plan features marketing ideas on how to make Primark a better and easier place to shop that will boost up their sales. So I have created a Primark website, which includes an online shop. The website is easy to use, easy on the eye and easy to purchase from. This website will cost money to design and to go viral but will boost up their sales and increase their revenue per annum. As Primark also do not have a marketing campaign, I have also introduced a new set of print marketing which will keep the market interacted in my campaign. The print marketing will all have synergy, so that they will flow with each other and so that when customers see one of the prints, they will know the brand from a different print. Social Media will also be introduced, as I will be holding competitions, to be the new face of Primark and so on.

Primark is a massive business, so people would expect it to have an online shop. Other big retailers like Primark has online shops, and for them, online shopping has increased their sales. Even though Primark change their products every week, they could still open an online shop for seasonal clothing.

More and more people are looking to purchase items online. Maybe because they have busy lifestyles, that don't have time to go out shopping or that they are physically not able to go out. But online shopping is getting more popular.

That brings me onto my target market. Before Primarks target market was for middle class people, aged from 16-30, but now since I've introduced my new website and marketing campaign, I believe that people aged from 16-60+ will purchase items online. I have said 60+ because their are thing to buy grandchildren and also, they will find it easier shopping online rather than going into the shop.

The budget I would need would result in where, when and how long i will need. To advertise Primark in a magazine such as OK, a full page spread would cost from £10,000. To have a TV advertisement on ITV when Coronation Street is on, would cost £14,000 in London. To advertise on a billboard in the streets of London, it would cost £7,000 per month. And a bus stop advert, for £3,000 per month.

So what I would want Primark to have is 1 full page spread in OK magazine, this means it would be seen for a month, This would cost £10,000. Also I want a billboard for every season of the year, to advertise their new range, so this would cost £28,000. Also I would want a bus stop advertisement again for every season of the year, this would cost £12,000. Altogether, Primarks advertising, that year would cost £50,000.

Also to make a website for a company like Primark would cost around £40,000, and around £20 per month to keep the domain name.

So my budget for Primark would be £90,240

Primark Marketing Strategy

Technology is moving fast, and at Primark, we strive to achieve the connection of our stakeholders. Therefore, we have now introduced a fully functioning, easy to use online website, where buying our high quality garments has never been easier. This big step will help us achieve our long term goals and success, to maintain our position as the best affordable clothing retailer, now at a click of a button. Our love for our stakeholders has resulted in a step in the social media sector where we will be holding competitions, prizes and events to keep you interacted, and to keep Primark your favourite affordable retailer.

Primark Mind Map

Case Study Mind Map

Primark Creative Brief

In today’s day and age with modern technology improving every year it is important for companies to keep up with these changes. With the growth of the Internet and devises that support it, online shopping is becoming more and more popular. Primark, once a thriving retail store with little competitors, is seeing its sales decrease. A major contributor to these drops is the company’s absence in the online market.

Almost all high street stores are now selling online. A survey showed that 1 in 10 of every purchase took place online in January 2014. The Christmas before this saw online sales triple high street sales. Many companies have seen this opportunity bringing them extreme success.

Primark, already a very successful store with its cheaper range of clothing, would see a boom in sales when making online shopping available.  A study shown that 30-40 year olds are the type of people that are shopping online the most. This can be assumed that the people younger and older than this age range are shopping in shops. It has been proven that time an average person makes the most money is also this age. Therefore it can be assumed that bringing online shopping to Primark will make shopping there available for the members of the public who are more likely to spend more.

Recently about to introduce a new online website that allows customers to browse through and purchase the many items that Primark have to offer, the company now need a way to promote this to the public.

Product Profile:

“Stylish, affordable clothing at your finger tips’’
“Prices that suit you as well as our clothes do”

Target market for campaign:
Although a recent study has shown that women aged 30-40 are the people that shop online the most, we believe that Primark’s new online shopping experience will appeal most to younger women aged 14-20 year olds. It is common for a store with as many products at Primark not to put everything online, just what is most popular. Therefore we will be making the majority of the products on the website aimed at women this age range.

Creative requirements:
The success of TV advertising is higher than any other type of advertising. Many companies pay a lot of money to see their product or service on television, especially in between very popular programmes. It is because of this that advertising Primark’s new online shopping website will see a lot of visitors after advertising on television.


£500,000 to advertise on TV in order to welcome a number of different groups of people. This large amount of money will also be needed to build on the very little advertising that Primark already does.