Tuesday 5 November 2013

Public Relations and branding

Task 4) 

What is Public Relations?

Public relations about managing the message, to get a good reputation. This results in what your audience says about your business. PR all depends on its reputation for survival and success. All of the businesses stakeholders have a big impact on the business as they all have an opinion about the businesses and organisations they come into contact with. In todays competitive market more and more people want to stand out from the crowd and have what nobody has got, and if a business gives that independence to people, they will have the competitive edge.

What is Branding?

A brand is a logo, but creating the brand is all about trying to create an idea of a specific or service that people connect with. With branding, we have to be very clever, we need to be different and come fresh out of ideas. If a brand tries to copy someone else's idea and produces it, the copied brand will have something new and fresh, and more people will still go there. To succeed as a brand, you must understand then needs and wants of your customers. You do this by mixing your brand strategies through your company at every point of the public.

What could harm a brand's image?

If any company tries to avoid tax, the company will become less and less popular with the market.

Any sort of criminal activity could harm a brands image, for instance, a few months ago, the Pope got accused of being a paedophile, so now less people are going to his church.

Also if a company raises their prices, it could harm them. For example, British Gas raised their prices dramatically high so more people are now changing their gas supplier.

Apple recently launched a new 'Cheaper iPhone'. I was researching this and saw some debates about, will the cheaper iPhone harm Apple's image? As Apple has set their prices increasingly high from the start, it has always been known as the best, but most expensive brand on the market. So will the cheaper iPhone be the 'okay but cheapest' phone on the market? I hope not.

What are the methods/organisations used to promote their image?


Advertising your product on the online market place is a very good and cheap way to make your customers aware of your product. Also Billboards, posters and a magazine page will help with getting your brand well known.-

Social Networking:

This is one of the most successful ways to market you product, Having Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages will boost the amount of stakeholders in your business as you will get more and followers. You can also pay Facebook to advertise you product.


If you have a successful blog like Tumblr, with a lot of followers. Your brand could become very successful, as people like to view and read what you have written, its also a good way to market your product as everybody can reblog your posts.


Having a standard website on Big Cartel will help with sales, and will also market your product for you as there is a rank of the most viewed Big Cartel websites on one page, so its an easy way for people to access your website.

Promotional Gifts and Givaways:

Holding competitions on your social media pages will get all your followers involved and will eventually get a winner to have one of your products to market.

Activity - PR Case Study

Nike is an American multi-national corporation, selling goods such as footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories and services. Nike is one of the worlds largest sporting suppliers of athletic shoes and apparel.  Nike also owns affiliates such as Converse, Hurley, Jordan Brand Nike Golf and Nike Skateboarding.

The brand was founded in 1964, but not as 'Nike', it was founded as 'Blue Ribbon Sports'. Then in 1971, Blue Ribbon Sports officially became Nike inc.

Nike was originally founded in Washington. Then over time spread out to over 40 countries across the world with 700 shops worldwide.

As of 2012, Nike has also hired over 44,000 people worldwide.

In 1997 Lance Armstrong introduced 'Livestrong' in 1997 after he was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Nike helped out to support 'Livestrong'  in 2004 and helped raise more than £66 million through the creation of wristbands, T-shirts and footwear.

Nike also helped out Thierry Henry to stop racism in football in 2005. By selling 'Stand Up Speak Up' wristbands.

Nike has been criticised for working with sweatshops to make their apparel. This resulted in a loss of sales over the scandal.

I would create events for Nike to advertise the brand. I would also get involved with charities and organisations. Also I would create a well made and detailed press release. I would also get sponsors through well knows sports like the Olympics and sports across the world.

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